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Our Approach

“Our mission is to help as many people as possible live healthy, happy, productive lives filled with everlasting joy and purpose.”


First, we must understand that ALL chronic diseases and chronic pain are simply the result of the breakdown of the internal environment of the body due to damaged cellular function.  As humans our cells are constantly wearing out and being replaced by new ones.  This cellular regeneration process is required in order to live.  This is basic biology.  Each and every cell in our body has different “regeneration times”, in other words, some cells die off and are replaced in a few days and some cells get replaced in months.

Second, we must understand humans are electrical beings and that electrical energy is a requirement to maintain not only our health but life itself. This is known as “bioelectricity” which is very different than electricity we use in our home. Bioelectricity IS the energy of our body!   Just like electricity is the energy that powers our television at home, bioelectricity specifically refers to the energy occurring within or produced by cellular activities everywhere in our body. Bioelectric energy is generated by a number of different biological processes, which are then used by cells to conduct impulses along nerve fibers, to regenerate cells, tissues, and organs, and to regulate brain function, which ultimately is needed so our body can perform the necessary functions to repair and restore health so you can prevent illness and disease.

Third, the adaptive response by the body to compensate for the regenerative deficit that has been happening over a period of time due to the breakdown of electrical energy in the body is, in fact, the root cause of why the body is not able to help itself.  An analogy would be like what happens when your cell phone is running on “low battery mode”.  In low battery mode, your phone can only do the very basic functions because it doesn’t have enough energy to do all the other higher level functions.  In human terms, your bodies main objective is survival so it will do whatever it can to keep you alive, which means it will divert all cellular energy to that basic function.  By diverting cellular energy it means it is taking it away from other areas.  Essentially it is borrowing it from somewhere else therefore leaving a deficiency of some other functions of the body.  Simply put the cells don’t have enough energy to either regenerate correctly or the cells themselves don’t have enough energy to perform their specific job in the body.  When this occurs the result is that your immune system can’t function properly, inflammation increases, toxins can’t be eliminated efficiently, and organs can no longer perform their job to the highest potential.  Do you see how this is a big problem?  Please understand, the onset of chronic illness did not just “suddenly happen”, in fact, this process has been going on in our body for many months, years, and even decades before any “SYMPTOMS” started to show up. The reason why it can take months or years is because our bodies are designed to adapt for survival purposes and it has many ways to do that…UNTIL it doesn’t have the energy or ability any longer to do so.  The fact that someone has  “symptoms” or doesn’t seem to be able to improve already means the internal environment of the body, meaning the cellular regenerative deficiencies have been going on for a while even if the “symptoms” haven’t been going on for years.


We take a holistic, multi-step, and an integrative approach designed to diagnose and treat the root cause of why the health issue occurred in the first place and then we work to correct it.  Based on human physiology and biology we know that all human beings are designed the same way.  In order to improve any chronic disease or chronic pain we need to improve the internal environment of the body at a cellular level in order to maximize the healing potential of the body which will allow for life changing results to occur.  

To be clear, even though we are all designed the same way as human beings, everyone has a different underlying root cause why their health issue occurred in the first place.  NO TWO PEOPLE ARE THE SAME!  Symptoms or diagnosis only tells us a small part of what is going on in your body.  This is why we use our innovative approach for diagnosing your underlying root causes and then we create a  personalized treatment program to address what needs to be corrected to help you get the results you want.

We use the term holistic because we are looking at many factors that that doctors either ignore or don’t even think are a problem at all.  We are looking to identify the root cause of your symptoms. (HINT: It is usually 3 or more causes that we identify)  We need to first understand your unique situation and root cause or causes to determine if we can even help.  We say multi-step approach because we treat your body on many biological levels at the same time in order to address symptoms and root cause so we can maximize your bodies healing potential. (HINT: This is the reason why our solutions works so well, even on the most stubborn chronic health conditions).  We use the term integrative approach because of the way we seamlessly integrate multiple cutting edge biotechnologies in specific combination during your office visits. When we apply all of these approaches and tools, we are able to get results for people they didn’t even think were possible.  

This isn’t magic, and it does take time to correct.  This is how all healing occurs in the body. We must work to correct the physiology and biology of the body in order to be able to allow the body to do what it needs to do to heal.  Just like if you break your leg, it will take a certain amount of time to heal.  How much time…it depends on your unique situation and underlying root causes.  Some people its slower and for others its more rapid, it just depends on many factors which would be identified during your initial consultation.


At Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, what separates us from everyone else is that it all starts with YOU!

YOU are the reason why we exist, and we take that very seriously. 

YOU will be treated like a person not a disease or a diagnosis. 

YOU will feel how we put the “Care” back in Healthcare! 

The moment you call our office, you will notice the difference.  Our compassionate team from front desk, to Patient Care Coordinator, Patient Care Specialists, and Providers all have one sole focus… and that is YOU and the CARE you need and deserve.

This is not your average medical office…it’s a healing oasis!  We designed the office with you in mind. Smiling team members when you walk in, clean and modern amenities, heated beds, and a relaxing atmosphere are the standard here and you deserve it.  This is a place you want to come to, not a place you have to.   


We Appreciate Them

We genuinely care and appreciate our patients.

We Listen

We take the time to listen to you and understand what you want and need.

Unparalleled Results

Our patients experience results they didn’t even think were possible!


Dr. Dominic Sembello, L.Ac., and founder of Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine has the belief that living means you should enjoy doing the things you love with the people you love for as long as possible.

He also believes that the human body has an amazing potential to heal if given the chance.  Drugs, invasive medical procedures,  and surgery are often not very successful at treating chronic health issues and are not your only options. 

What Our Patients Are Saying

Success Stories

After my car accident I was in a lot pain in my low back and spine area.  After many months of minimal relief it was recommended to me to try acupuncture.  I was a little nervous at first because I don’t like needles but I was pleasantly surprised after the first treatment that the needles didn’t even hurt. Not only that but after my first acupuncture treatment, I noticed a decrease in pain.  I was shocked!  My pain today is almost

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After my car accident I was diagnosed with bulging discs at C5 and C6.  I was having terrible neck pain and muscle spasms in my upper back.  I tried Physical Therapy and it was just too painful to continue.  My pain level was still high and I wasn’t sure what to do next.  I was recommended to try acupuncture to see how it would help.  I had heard good things about acupuncture but never tried it.  I am a little scared

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Acupuncture has been very successful for me!  The needles have been placed in many different locations and have helped me significantly reduce the pain I was having in my right shoulder that accompanied the surgery I had to repair my rotator cuff.  Along with physical therapy, acupuncture has been working great.  I was amazed at how the acupuncture softened the visible scars I had and now, they are as soft as the skin around them!

I know that many people are hesitant

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I have been dealing with terrible low back pain and working on my feet all day was so difficult, until I met Dominic!  After I started treating with acupuncture I was sleeping better and thinking less and less about my pain and now I can go through work with taking any pain medicine!  Dominic was so easy to talk to and has great bedside manners and really tries to get to the problem.  I would definitely recommend acupuncture treatment as

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I had microdiscectomy surgery on my low back to help repair damage to my lumbar spine. Although the surgery did help, I still have low back pain that occasionally goes down my right leg.  I am not a surgical candidate right now nor do I want to have another one so I decided to try acupuncture to help reduce some of my pain symptoms.  It has made a positive improvement for me.  The acupuncture seems to reduce the frequency and severity of

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I was recommended to try acupuncture by my Chiropractor.  I have structural issues with the curvature of my spine and my mid back is always tight and in spasm.  I can’t quite pinpoint how it works but IT DOES!  Not only did it help me with my pain levels and muscle tightness it helped me relax and alleviated a lot of stress at the same time.  During the treatments for some reason I was able to achieve a level of

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Are You Ready To Find Out If We Can Help You?

What To Expect

During your consultation appointment you should expect…

Or call today at 609-745-1216 to schedule your appointment.

Our Promise To You


During your consultation, we’ll listen to your unique situation.        No two people are exactly the same and symptoms manifest differently for everyone. We want to understand you and what you are going through.


  • Can we actually help you?
  • What are your treatment options?
  • How many treatments are needed?


If our clinic or treatment options are not right for you, we’ll tell you.  We don’t want to waste your time, we are here to help you.  We are happy to point you toward another doctor, or clinic, or treatment option, if possible.

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