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Julie- Chronic Pain

Terri- Neuropathy and Diabetes

Joe- Post Surgical Low Back Recovery

Kelly- Fertility

Joy- Nerve/Neuropathic Pain

I would recommed Health Source Acupuncture to anyone who has pain.

After my car accident I was in a lot pain in my low back and spine area.  After many months of minimal relief it was recommended to me to try acupuncture.  I was a little nervous at first because I don’t like needles but I was pleasantly surprised after the first treatment that the needles didn’t even hurt. Not only that but after my first acupuncture treatment, I noticed a decrease in pain.  I was shocked!  My pain today is almost completely gone and I have just gone back to work again.  I would recommend Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine to anyone that has pain, it has helped me and I know it can help others too.

– Milton O., 36

It has made a world of difference in my life!

I was having problems with my shoulder and did not want to continue the cortisone shots the orthopedic doctor had given me. Despite the shots I was still in a great deal of pain which kept me up at night and interfered with my active lifestyle, especially my golf game.  A friend suggested trying Acupuncture and my shoulder has become as good as new.

I really look forward to going for Acupuncture treatments. I find the office so friendly and the treatments are my most relaxing time of the day.

I have recommended acupuncture to many friends. If you have never tried it, you really should, it has made a world of difference in my life.

– Phyllis D., 61, Retired

I am happy with the results

I had microdiscectomy surgery on my low back to help repair damage to my lumbar spine. Although the surgery did help, I still have low back pain that occasionally goes down my right leg.  I am not a surgical candidate right now nor do I want to have another one so I decided to try acupuncture to help reduce some of my pain symptoms.  It has made a positive improvement for me.  The acupuncture seems to reduce the frequency and severity of my low back and leg pain.  While the pain is not 100% gone, I am now able to do my regular activities and live my life with much less pain.  I only occasionally get pain down my leg and when I do it is much less than before.  I have made acupuncture treatment a part of my life to help keep me stay off the surgery table.  I am happy with the results and have recommended my wife to get acupuncture too.

– Doug G., 33, School Teacher

I am not the same person my life has changed forever...NO PAIN!

My name is Patricia.  I am a 49 year old woman who had been suffering from Fibromyalgia for 10 years before I started receiving acupuncture.  What a difference when I did!  My conditions improved in terms of my ability to move, my energy levels, I am not tired and my overall health condition has improved.  I’m not the same person, my life has changed forever…NO PAIN!!!  This was my last resort for treating health issues due to fibromyalgia.  My doctor could not believe that I no longer have tender points.

– Patricia M., 49, NJ State Employee

Migraine headaches for over 15 years

I have been suffering with migraine headaches for over fifteen years which is more than the majority of my life.  Medications help slightly when I get them but they don’t prevent them from happening.  When I get my headaches I often have to call out of work and lay down and sleep all day, it is terrible.  On average I get them at least 2 times a month each and every month.  After starting acupuncture, I didn’t get my first migraine for 6 weeks.  I was amazed.  It was the longest I have gone without a headache in 15 years.  Since then I have only had one headache in three months.  I know acupuncture is working for me and I look forward to continuing my treatments.  This is the best thing I have tried and I am so happy with the results so far!

– Michele B., 27, Elementary School Teacher

I can't quite pinpoint how it works...but IT DOES!

I was recommended to try acupuncture by my Chiropractor.  I have structural issues with the curvature of my spine and my mid back is always tight and in spasm.  I can’t quite pinpoint how it works but IT DOES!  Not only did it help me with my pain levels and muscle tightness it helped me relax and alleviated a lot of stress at the same time.  During the treatments for some reason I was able to achieve a level of rest that I otherwise never get at home.  I feel that adding acupuncture along with my chiropractic care really worked very well together.  Even if I didn’t have health insurance coverage, to me it would have been well worth the investment of time and money.  I would recommend acupuncture for anyone who is looking to feel better!

– Sean O., 32, HS Guidance Counselor

I can now work all day and at the end of the day I feel great

After my car accident I was diagnosed with bulging discs at C5 and C6.  I was having terrible neck pain and muscle spasms in my upper back.  I tried Physical Therapy and it was just too painful to continue.  My pain level was still high and I wasn’t sure what to do next.  I was recommended to try acupuncture to see how it would help.  I had heard good things about acupuncture but never tried it.  I am a little scared of needles but I was tired of dealing with the pain in my neck and upper back.  So I met with my acupuncturist and am I glad that I did.  Not only were the needles painless, it was so relaxing!  I have a stressful job so I was so happy that it helped reduce my stress.  Not only that, but acupuncture has made me virtually pain free. I sit at a computer all day and it was very painful to do that after the accident.  I can now work all day and at the end of the day I feel great. I tell all my friends and family about it and I would recommend it to anyone.

– Melissa R., 30, Accountant

My neck pain and stiffness is now 95% improved

I have been dealing with neck pain and stiffness for almost one year.  I was diagnosed with two bulging discs in my neck.  It prevents me from doing normal activities like looking up, working, and lifting heavy objects.  I was referred to try acupuncture by my doctor and was open to the suggestion; I was just hoping that anything would help me at that point. My initial examination was very professional and thorough.  After starting the acupuncture treatments I started to notice changes in my pain and stiffness levels.  As the treatments continued I noticed significant and lasting pain relief.  I was able to start working again and my neck pain and stiffness now is 95% improved. I am so glad my doctor recommended acupuncture because it has helped me so much.  Acupuncture has been around for a very long time and people should be open-minded and try it out.

– Dawn T., 49, Food Services

I'm doing things I haven't done in over 10 years!

Before coming into Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, I could hardly even walk.  I was so bent over from my low back pain, I couldn’t do much of anything.  My husband made the appointment and I was very skeptical that this could help.  I had 2 surgeries on my low back and my pain was so severe.  I am so glad that I gave it chance, I am now able to do things I haven’t done in over 10 years, like gardening and cleaning my house.  This has been life changing for me.

-Rose D., 80, Retired


You might be asking yourself, "Why should I do this now, why not just wait or push it down the road?"

Well... you could keep pushing it down the road and cross your fingers and hope that things magically get better, OR,
if you want to get the results you want in the near future, the best time to take action is NOW. 

Did you know that the vast majority of patients we help in our office have suffered for 5, 10, 15 and even 20 years or more before actually coming into our office?  It's true.

One of the most common phrases we hear from our patients is that they wish they had done this sooner.   So I would like to say "Kudos" to you for taking the first step by scheduling your consultation, we know it's not always easy to ask for help.  But just making the appointment is one thing, you need to actually show up. 

So if you want to find out if we could possibly help you finally resolve those health issues that you have been dealing with, so you can get back to doing the things you love with the people you love, what you first have to do is be committed to do what it takes to get the results you want to achieve. Your next step is you need to show up…because we can’t possibly help you if we never meet you. 

We have helped thousands of people over the past two decades get results they didn’t even think were possible, but they all took the time to show up…it really is that simple.

Great question!

Its more than likely that those approaches you tried in the past were not addressing 100% of the real problem and therefore could possibly be preventing you from getting the results you want. 

IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!  Unfortunately, our current modern medical system has flaws and poorly manages chronic health conditions because they ignore the root cause of why the problem is there to begin with AND because they typically focus more on symptom management and not the root cause.

That's the beautiful thing about our approach. We safely & naturally give your body what it needs to to unlock its true healing potential WITHOUT harmful chemicals or risky procedures.

The medical solutions we offer in our office work with how our body is designed and wired from birth to heal and maintain health.

Do you see the difference?

How does hearing this from your doctor make you feel?

Sadly, this is exactly what we hear from our patients ALL THE TIME! The reason doctors say this is because they have exhausted the options and they simply don't know what else to do for you.  Let's be clear, your doctors are very good and certainly well qualified, it's just that within the current medical system they are working within,  they have exhausted the options they actually know. 

Unfortunately, most of the patients we see when they first come to us is that they often times feel confused, stuck, frustrated, an even hopeless.  With over 20 years of experience specializing in treating chronic health issues where the standard medical care has not been the answer, we have helped thousands of people who have been deemed “hopeless” or “untreatable” get results they didn’t think were even possible.

Not if your past 175 years old...just kidding here.  🙂

YES!!! Why wouldn't it work for you? Our treatments work with human physiology and has nothing to do with your age. We have patients who are 6 years old all the way into their 90’s and everywhere in between that see improvement with their health conditions.

Now, we haven't met you yet, which is why you have to come in for the consultation, so we can understand more about your unique situation and find out if the medical services we offer can actually help you.

Oh my goodness, what a great question!!!

We have helped thousands of patients over 20 plus years.  Our proven track record of success stories for those that seek care at our office speak for themselves.  We get that you are probably skeptical or even doubtful that you can even be helped, and you know should be and we expect you to be.

Don't take our word for it, see for yourself.  Take a look on this page or on our website and social media, or even our google reviews. These are just a fraction of the success stories from our patients who have so kindly shared their own experiences.  See how the results they achieved changed their lives.

Could we help you?  We're not sure because we haven't even met, which is the reason why we have you come in for a consultation in the first place.  Once we have a better understanding of your current situation, we can then discuss possible options if what we do can actually help you get get the results you want to achieve.

If we don't feel we can help you we will be happy to try to point you in the right direction.  Also, if you don't feel our approach can help you, that is perfectly fine too, this is about your health. 

YES! We can guarantee you this...

We can guarantee that if you don't show up for your appointment, you will never find out if we could possibly help improve your current health issues.

However, if any medical professional of any kind guarantee's you results...PLEASE RUN THE OTHER WAY!  


Our office is located at 401 New Road, Suite 100 in Linwood New Jersey.   We have lots of close parking and our office wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant. 

Below is a google map for your convenience!

* Disclaimer: The content on this website is for information purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise intervene in any medical condition. You must seek help from a licensed medical professional for any health condition. Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results are warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors.

Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
401 New Road, #100
Linwood, NJ 08221
609-745-1216 Directions Contact/Schedule