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Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Supplements

Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Supplements

Herbal Medicine and Supplements

Chinese Herbal Medicine has a long history of helping people with a variety of medical conditions and are prescribed based on diagnosis from Traditional Chinese Medicine.  They are safe, effective, and don’t have the dangerous side effects that are often experienced with prescription medications.

Nutritional supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sports nutrition products, natural food supplements, and other related products used to boost the nutritional content of your diet to help support your body.

Herbal Medicine and Supplements


Are You A Candidate For Chinese Herbal Medicine or Supplements?

chinese herbs

Are You A Candidate For Chinese Herbal Medicine or Supplements?

While both are considered very safe, not everyone is medically eligible.

Your diagnosis or symptoms alone are not always an indication that Chinese Herbal Medicine or Supplements will be effective or even the correct treatment option for a person.  We pride ourselves on only prescribing Chinese Herbal Medicine or Nutritional Supplements to those who require them in order to get the best results.

Medical history, duration of symptoms, severity of symptoms, loss of function,  prescription medications being taken, and other factors have to be evaluated first before any decision can be made to prescribe any of these to you.

An initial consultation is required to find out if you could benefit from herbs or supplements. This simply can not be determined over the phone, you need to be evaluated.

We will discuss your options during your consultation.

Are You Ready To Find Out If We Can Help You?

What To Expect

During your consultation appointment you should expect…

Our Promise To You


During your consultation, we’ll listen to your unique situation.  No two people are exactly the same and symptoms manifest differently for everyone. We want to understand you and what you are going through.


  • Can we actually help you?
  • What are your treatment options?
  • What herbal prescriptions or supplements are you medically eligible to take and can benefit you the most?


If our clinic or treatment options are not right for you, we’ll tell you.  We don’t want to waste your time, we are here to help you.  We are happy to point you toward another doctor, or clinic, or treatment option, if possible.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Success Stories

Before acupuncture I couldn’t play basketball if I wanted to everyday due to my low back pain.  As I progressed through the treatments, the pain gradually decreased. Now, at the end of my treatments, I virtually have NO MORE PAIN before or after physical activity.  I now play basketball 3 to 4 times a week and lift weights on the other days.  I am so glad I don’t have to deal with the pain any longer.  I would definitely recommend acupuncture for anyone

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Acupuncture has been very successful for me!  The needles have been placed in many different locations and have helped me significantly reduce the pain I was having in my right shoulder that accompanied the surgery I had to repair my rotator cuff.  Along with physical therapy, acupuncture has been working great.  I was amazed at how the acupuncture softened the visible scars I had and now, they are as soft as the skin around them!

I know that many people are hesitant

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I am a 40 year old female that was seeking acupuncture because I was having constant mid and low back pain.  I really enjoyed the people in the office; they are very nice and friendly.  The acupuncture treatment rooms are so comfortable and relaxing and have nice music playing in the background.  Within one month I felt 90% better!  This treatment has improved my life and how I go on with my day to day activities.  NO MORE CONSTANT PAIN ALL DAY…Thank

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I was recommended to try acupuncture by my Chiropractor.  I have structural issues with the curvature of my spine and my mid back is always tight and in spasm.  I can’t quite pinpoint how it works but IT DOES!  Not only did it help me with my pain levels and muscle tightness it helped me relax and alleviated a lot of stress at the same time.  During the treatments for some reason I was able to achieve a level of

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After my car accident I was diagnosed with bulging discs at C5 and C6.  I was having terrible neck pain and muscle spasms in my upper back.  I tried Physical Therapy and it was just too painful to continue.  My pain level was still high and I wasn’t sure what to do next.  I was recommended to try acupuncture to see how it would help.  I had heard good things about acupuncture but never tried it.  I am a little scared

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I have been suffering with migraine headaches for over fifteen years which is more than the majority of my life.  Medications help slightly when I get them but they don’t prevent them from happening.  When I get my headaches I often have to call out of work and lay down and sleep all day, it is terrible.  On average I get them at least 2 times a month each and every month.  After starting acupuncture, I didn’t get my first migraine for 6

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